Some of you may say how can you spend less each month for a grocery budget or maybe even spend the same and build a food storage? The answer is COUPONS!! About a year and a half ago I looked at our monthly spending on groceries and saw we were anywhere between 300-400 easy. None of this was going into food storage and I realized something needed to change so I taught myself how to coupon.
At first couponing seemed overwhelming, but the key is to take baby steps. Don't think you will learn everything at once, or even pay little or nothing on your first trip. It takes time, but once you get the hang of it you will learn that there is no other way. When you leave a grocery store with a cart full of food for penny's on the dollar, or sometimes they even pay you, it is such an amazing feeling you will never want to go back.
Today I am just going to share some of my shopping trips, hopefully my trips will inspire you to become interested in couponing. In later posts I will explain all the details of how to coupon. A lot of people say you can't get coupons for healthy stuff... what if I told you I have gotten hamburger, and chicken completely free. I've also gotten fresh fruit, frozen smoothies, yogurt, and milk for free. Personal hygiene items such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, feminine hygiene products, air fresheners, and razors are all things I have gotten either free or 50 cents or under.
Here are a few of my shopping trips...
The picture above would have cost $135.35. With coupons I ended up paying $19.14.
The trip pictured above was about 2 weeks ago. I ended up paying 30.14 cents. The stay free pads, glade plug ins, and oranges were free. The Velveeta shells and cheese actually was a money maker and I made .89 cents for taking them out of the store.
This past Monday I was able to score 24 rolls of paper towels for free. That is right completely free. Everything above cost me $16.27.
Hopefully you can see why I have become obsessed with coupons! If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment and I will answer it. I plan on explaining how to do this in the next few days.